IIDA Italy International Design Award

Italy International Design Award 2024

Investment Promotion Center of Chuzhou Suda Tiangong Science and Technology Park

Investment Promotion Center of Chuzhou Suda Tiangong Science and Technology Park
Winner of 2021 Innovation Prize

Design of Commercial Space


Suda Tiangong Science and Technology Park is located at the intersection of Zhongxin Avenue and Chuzhou Avenue, Zhongxin Suchu High-tech Development Zone, Chuzhou City, in the core area of Zhongxin Suchu High-tech Zone. The total area is 242 acres. The Zhongxin Su Chu Su Da Tiangong Science and Technology Park was established by Su Da Tiangong and is located in the Zhongxin Su Chu High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Chuzhou City. The science and technology park has a total construction area of nearly 200,000 square meters, with the development of intelligent manufacturing and industrial Internet empowering manufacturing as the main line of development. It is an industrial-city-integrated ecological science and technology park integrating business incubation, R&D and production, headquarters office, and commercial facilities. As one of the key projects of the Zhongxin Suchu High-tech Zone in Chuzhou City, it is committed to building a Zhongxin Suchu Science and Technology Innovation Center serving the Yangtze River Delta.


CHY DESIGN GROUP was founded in 2010 and is an international team. Using the power of design to create sustainable value for the company is the company’s unchanging belief. Provide "strategic design" to customize exclusive design business systems for partners in different fields. The service field involves nearly 20 sub-industries including culture, education, chain commerce, daily chemicals, food, internet, medical care, tourism, manufacturing, finance, and religion. Seven Design helps visionary business leaders to explore the core issues of enterprise development, deal with systemic challenges, create new territory with design, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises.

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