IIDA Italy International Design Award

Italy International Design Award 2024

Goodness of freedom

Goodness of freedom
Winner of 2021 SILVER Prize

Design of Villa Space


The female owner is a little girl with absolute sovereignty and has her own ideas. She has free time in life. She is very self-disciplined and insists on working out the next day for a long time. She has a hot body, a good-looking appearance and is free to work. She is also very caring. She has a cute Corgi and a husband who loves him deeply. They live a life like a fairy, the life that every girl yearns for.
This case was designed for two young couples, so the master bedroom designed an ensuite. The male owner likes to drink tea, so the designer designed a tea room. He usually has the habit of working and studying at home, and has a study room. The designer has made storage rooms under the stairs and on the second floor respectively, where things that are not usually used can be stored. The space does not seem to be cluttered. The kitchen is semi-open, which can be opened and closed. The hostess loves to drink dry red, so a bar is designed for wine tasting. The whole space is in a modern and simple style. The whole is clean and bright, and there is no lack of emotion.

Design by CHEN ZE BIAO(Zeard)

Design Director of Fujian Anding Space Design
福建安定空间设计 设计总监 土建工程师 福州市室内设计师协会副会长 部分荣誉 2019年福州市网络人气设计师金奖 2019-2010年度福建省优秀百强设计师 2021 ICDA国际当代青年美术设计大奖金奖 设计理念:自我批判、重复、颠覆.认真.执着的在做一件事:设计 个人设计信条:会生活是每个设计师的必修课,认真学习,热爱生活,享受生活,用心设计。

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