IIDA Italy International Design Award

Italy International Design Award 2024

Qiandao Luneng Resort

Qiandao Luneng Resort
Winner of 2021 Innovation Prize

Design of Architectural Construction


The Qiandao Lake Luneng Resort Project is a new benchmark for China Luneng Group to develop a global tourism demonstration zone. The project is positioned with the theme of "Heart of Thousand Islands·Green World", seizes development opportunities in the new era, and focuses on the two major elements of sports and leisure as an opportunity to create a new benchmark for the development of sports tourism in the Yangtze River Delta and become a new model of national theme tourism. The project integrates Asian Games events, rural revitalization, agricultural innovation and leisure, health and wellness, outdoor sports, creative entertainment, and native culture to meet tourists' pursuit of a better life and promote regional industrial upgrading. So as to create the world's top lake island sports and leisure vacation destination.

Design by Beijing Jinyu International Culture&Arts Co.,Ltd

“尽精微,致广大”即是中央美术学院的校训,也一直是今遇国际对于设计和对于客户的态度。所谓“尽精微”,就是在设计和服务的过程中,要深入进去,不能浮在表面,用精益求精的一种态度来从事设计的工作。“致广大”,主要指的公司和员工的人格修炼和胸怀,要有足够的包容性,要能够有广阔的的胸怀和高远的理想,总而言之,要立志高远。 。
公司及其主创设计先后承接参与了2010年上海世博会、2022年杭州亚运会、2021年第十四届陕西全运会、2019年世界园艺博览会、国家科技传播中心、北京环球影城、新郑产业新城城市规划、大安机车博览园、中国中医科学院广安门医院、天津万科东第商业广场、青岛万科城市之光商业广场、青岛万科未来城商业广场、荣盛石家庄阿尔卡地亚商业广场、万科大通商业广场、天津万科时代中心商业广场、万科张家窝商业广场、北京华贸天地商业、长春万科V盟荟TOD标杆商业等等重大项目的环境标识系统和环境包装系统设计。 。

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