IIDA Italy International Design Award


Winner of 2024 Prize

Design of Furniture


The YOYO, as one of the series sofas, is insopired from the Danish concept of “Hygge” living. We merge a comfortable lifestyle with the value of optimistic emotions into the product design. This allows users to retreat into a peaceful sanctuary beyond the mundane world while feeling happiness and satisfaction in their daily use. The product features STEEL-LAND’s independently developed “eco-friendly natural litchi stria leather,” which is soft and delicate to the touch with clear and natural textures. Each touch evokes a sense of warmth and luxury. The craftsmanship, from the meticulous wrinkle cutting to the plush and soft tactile, strives for a perfect balance of texture in every detail. We adopt the design of blank-leaving and restrainedly artistric de-symbolization, making the product return to purity, which creates infinite imaginative space for the users.

Design by STEEL-LAND

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